About Play GOD

Play God is a game developed for all apple's iOS devices. It is a side scrolling 2d game. Your purpose in the game is to knock out each character within the time limit. It is released on 15th of October 2012 and is available on the app store. App store link: https://itunes.apple.com/app/play-god/id553457839?mt=8

The initial game release consisted of five characters. Each character has his own unique levels inspired by the character's origin. The lastest version, v.1.1, has six characters.

Each month a new update will be available which will include new characters, new levels and new game modes.

This game is created using game engine Cocos2D, sound engine CocosDension and physics engine Box2d.

In the game you play the role of God by knocking out politicians. Political satire at its best. The game consists of 72 levels. You throw several weapons at a target at the same time. You collect holy specials and special weapons to use the to take the target town. 

The author,
Renos Hiripis